MTG Matches Report

A better way to keep record and track your MTG matches

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MTG Matches Report

A better way to keep record and track your MTG matches

Register now

How it works

Create your deck.

With detailed information to keep track of your wins and losses.

Input your matches.

You can also input extra data, like cards that did or didn't work, were you on, mulligan, etc.

See the reports.

Get a full view of the strengths and weaknesses of your decks. This way you can adapt and improve your game.

How it works

Create your deck.

With detailed information to keep track of your wins and losses.

Input your matches.

You can also input extra data, like cards that did or didn't work, were you on, mulligan, etc.

See the reports.

Get a full view of the strengths and weaknesses of your decks. This way you can adapt and improve your game.

Perfect for all players!

Knowing the weaknesses of your deck is critical to having good results. We also have extra features and can do much more.

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